Upcoming Events
2025 Ministries Restart
As the New Year kicks off the following are starting back up: Sunday School, Berean Fellowship, Awana, Eikon and Aletheia, YACs, Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies, Church History Class and Moms in Prayer. See the Calendar at the bottom of the Upcoming Events page for descriptions and to see when each restart.
​Eikon & Aletheia
Young men and women (ages 12 and up) are invited to join Eikon (for guys) and Aletheia (for girls), every other Tuesday night, at Eagle River Grace, from 6:30-8:30, for a time of learning, discussion, and community, to grow as image bearers of Christ.
All kids ages 2 - 18 are invited to this club where learning God's Word is fun! Awana includes great games, songs, Bible stories, and service opportunities. It's where children come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Bring your kids and check it out! Awana includes clubs for Puggles (2 year olds), Cubbies (3 years to pre-K), Sparks (kindergarten – 2nd grade), T&T (3rd – 6th graders), Trek (7th & 8th graders), and Journey (High Schoolers). Trek and Journey spend part of each evening working with younger kids as LIT’s (Leaders in Training). Click below to learn more, or contact office@ergrace.org with any questions.
Sunday School
Everyone is welcome for Sunday School! The adult and junior / senior high classes are studying the book of Revelation. Third—sixth graders are learning about the life of Jesus. And, children age 4 to 2nd grade are learning Bible stories with stories and crafts. Childcare is provided for children younger than four. Families are welcome to come at 9:15am for cereal and other breakfast items. Classes start at 9:25 and last until 10:15.
Women's Bible Study
A study for women using the text Church History in Plain Language, a readable book studying the early centuries of the church up through the modern era, meets Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Women from our church and community are welcome. It will be led by Karen Lord. Contact the church office (office@ergrace.org) with questions and sign-up information.
Men’s Bible Study and Women’s Bible Study
The men’s group is studying the book of 2 Peter and meets Thursdays at 6:30pm at the home of Lee Cage. Contact the church office for the address. The women’s group is exploring the barriers God has crossed to reach us. They study various passages throughout the Bible. They meet Fridays at 10am at the church
​Men’s Retreat
The first annual Men's Retreat — note the name change; we are now fleeing —
will take place from March 7-9, at Beluga, AK. Lodging details can be found at
olsoncreekllc.com. Men can plan to arrive using either a plane or snowmachine.
There are daily 15-minute flights to Beluga from Merrill Field. Cost is still TBD, but
plan for around $350. Questions? Talk to JR Gates (907-748-2292) or Luke
Magnusson (907-744-2548).
Save the Date for Women’s Retreat 2025!
Plan now to attend the 2025 retreat at North Star Bible Camp on March 28-30.
Our speaker, Tonya Haskin. will share on the topic of Romans, chapter 8. More
information to come.